We plant nothing less than a 1,8 m (20 kg) tree in a school. This is to ensure the survival as any smaller will receive a knocking in most schools. Buy a tree for R200 and we will plant it in the ground (can we automatically send a certificate).
Buy a tyre veggie garden R200 for 5 vegetables.
For more information on how to link your CSI to coffee consumption please click here to contact a Puro Coffee Consultant.
We only plant trees to Southern Africa and try to stick to those endemic of the area some of which include:
Milkwood Sideroxylon inerme – one of South Africa’s protected trees and one of these trees is SA’s third National Monument – a tree called ‘Fingo Milkwood Tree’ near Peddie in the Eastern Cape. The Fingo people affirmed their loyalty to God and the British king under the tree after English soldiers led them to safety when Chief Hintza and his warriors pursued them.
Yellowwood Podocarpus latifolius – another protected tree because In the past, the yellowwoods were so sought after as timber trees, that from being an abundant resource they became almost extinct in some areas. Yellowwood furniture commands high prices today because of its rarity.
Natal num-num Carissa bispinosa – a great barrier and a tasty treat to eat!
Waterbessie Syzygium cordatum – aka Umdoni, the bitter-tasting fresh fruit is eaten raw or used to make an alcoholic drink. A good quality jelly can be cooked from the ripe fruit.
Karee Rhus lancea – one of about 36 South African Rhus species, which reach tree size.
For every kg of Puro Fairtrade or Fairtrade Organic coffee espresso beans sold, 2% is donated to buy and protect areas of rainforest in South America internationally and plant Trees4Schools locally.
Trees4Schools is no longer only supported by the Puro Brand (although Puro continues to donate 2% of their local turnover to the trust), but is now also assisted by some of the biggest names in bath the gardening and hospitality worlds.
Using wide experience and hard acts, clearPerformance will enable bench marking companies’ operations across a spectrum of activities and give a new perspective on what is possible.
The Glen, Knutsford Old Road
Stockton Heath
WA4 2L
United Kingdom
Derek Whiteside:
Mobile: +27 (0)76 114 0397
Steve Hammond:
Telephone: +44 (0)783 628 8974