Our Approach

A new perspective on “best in class”

Know what is possible…

It is often said that “we think with what we know”. That means and that having new insights into the performance of the best will show what can be attained.

Using wide experience and hard facts, clearPerformance will enable benchmarking companies’ operations across a spectrum of activities and give a new perspective on what is possible.

For Glass Producers better understanding the performance of others can stimulate change and challenge goals, ambitions and achievements.
For Glass Investors assessing a business based on relevant comparisons that provide a solid base for modelling scenarios and valuations.
For Glass Users technical data and knowledge on which to consider supplier performance.

Clarity of purpose and improvement plans
Determine what must be done…

From a new perspective we work with clients to develop a clear vision of what can be done and clear plans for action to move forward.

Trouble shooting and problem solving
Fix the problem…

Professionals with both expertise and experience who will deliver practical solutions with measurable results.

Knowledge transfer
Sustain the improvement…

Lasting success comes from capability in an organization: producer, investor or filler.

clearPerformance experts will closely with Glass Producers to pass on knowledge and support the implementation of standard operating procedures that will make local people capable of sustaining the improvement. Leaving the information, written procedures and knowledge that becomes part of the way of working leading to repeatable performance and results.

For Fillers and Investors working with clearPerformance will add knowledge of the glass business to the company’s intellectual capital.

Completed Projects

clearPerformance has a record of success in completing projects that prove our differentiation:

Adding value
Sustainable improvement
Measurable results
Knowledge transfer

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“I have worked with Derek in clearPerformance from day 1 and as glass maker and general manager, I am convinced that the business that we have developed has a unique offering for the world of glass containers and glass packaging.

I know from experience how important it is to control the variables in glass container manufacture and the framework of DPT (design, process and train) is an excellent way of doing this. This together with our philosophy of passing on skills and knowledge to the local teams means that we have achieved real success that is also lasting.

I get a lot of pleasure of going back to a plant and seeing measurable results that were started with the a clearPerformance project and then delivered continuous improvement because the design was right,  SOP’s were put in place and the local teams took ownership of the action plans we put in place.

For me the pleasure is in seeing the results – not just in the improved performance but in the development of the people I have worked. Passing on knowledge and seeing it being put to good use makes me feel that I am contributing to an industry that has been part of my life for the past 45 years!”

Steve Hammond